Thursday, 20 November 2008

Combating Obesity

The obesity epedemic is the growing trend of individuals and families who resort to fast food or binge eating, either due to not having enough time in the day because of the stresses that go with working 9 to 5, or the lack of knowledge of what a healthy nutritiously balanced meal actually is. People are depriving themselves of healthy nutrients and quality information.
Obesity accounts for 6-7% of total health care costs in several developed countries although the true costs are much greater as not all obesity related conditions are included. These figures are only being spent on the short term effects including procedures such as gastric by-passes, lyposuction etc.And of being overweight and clinically obese, medical staff can only provide medicines that cure the results or the symptoms (heart disease, diabetes, liver disease, high cholesterol, bowel cancer, fatigue respiratory problems etc...) all potentially related to an unhealthy diet.
Putting this into perspective this really is an irrelevant spend and must be tackled. With the need for good quality nutrition to be implemented, focusing on the long term plan and being pro-active to prevent the obesity epedemic escalating. And also Reacting to the current situation of people seeking medical attenttion because of the poor state they find themselves in as a result of a poor diet.
We define obesity by using Body Mass Index (BMI) which is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres. A person with a BMI reading of 25 kg/m2 is recognised as being overweight and a BMI of over 30kg/m2 is defined as obese. Currently more then1 billion adults are overweight and 300 million of them are clinically obese. The folowing information and statistics have been extracted from the 'World Health Organisation', explaining the growing extent with which current obesity levels ranging from below 5% in China, Japan and certain African nations, to over 75% in urban Samoa. But even in relatively low prevalence countries like China, rates are almost 20% in some cities. Childhood obesity is already epidemic in some areas and on the rise in others. An estimated 22 million children under five are estimated to be overweight worldwide. According to the US Surgeon General, in the USA the number of overweight children has doubled and the number of overweight adolescents has trebled since 1980. The prevalence of obese children aged 6-to-11 years has more than doubled since the 1960s. Obesity prevalence in youths aged 12-17 has increased dramatically from 5% to 13% in boys and from 5% to 9% in girls between 1966-70 and 1988-91 in the USA. The problem is global and increasingly extends into the developing world; for example, in Thailand the prevalence of obesity in 5-to-12 year olds children rose from12.2% to 15-6% in just two years.

There is a plan available which covers the long term lifestyle of the individual and has resulted in thousands of British people (tens of thousands worldwide) successfully losing weight and feeling better in them-selves. The program and products have been scientifically researched and clinically proven by top experts across the world including 1998 Nobel Prize Winner Dr Lou Ignarro, whose award winning research of nitric oxide has taken the Wellness industry and in particular research into heart disease by storm. If this does sound like a sales pitch then I do apologise, this was not asked of me from a colleague or the business itself, I am aware of the global situation and have 1st hand experience of what the effects are, I admittedly was not overweight but at 24 years of age I constantly found myself tired and lack lustre after work because I did not have the information or the time to know that this was related to my diet, unitl I fortunately came across this business opportunity. Another personal case is my mother, calculated as being overweight resulting in considerable strain to her back and since using the program she has steadily lost weight and has not noticed the same pain as before.
This problem needs to be combated head on. Getting the message across needs to start with the individual knowing what is required of them without pushing them too much. It all starts with the willingness of the person to hault this downward situation.
The typical quick start program that is supplied involves meal replacement shakes for breakfast and luchtime (dependant on personal needs) and the requirement of a colourful nutritionally balanced dinner. This could then include protein bars adding extra sustinence throughout the day, Thermal tea derived from green extract , rich in antioxodant nutrients contributing to general feeling of well-being; the nutritional shake mix itself is derived from soy protein isolate: is rich in minerals and vitamins including antioxidants Vitamins A,C,E, that can help fight 'free radical' oxygen molecules and so help protect the body from pollutants and stresses. And many more suited products suited to the individual. All these are quick for consumers to prepare, preventing the need for binge eating which is another important factor as this stops the need for 'catch up' eating and brings more energy and vitality to peoples everyday lives.
A particular case study that can be viewed by going to Herbalife's webpage of success stories is one of a 15 year old girl name Stephanie who dangerously overweight at 226 pounds, suffering from high blood pressure and doctors warned that she wasn't ot lose weight, shecould be at risk of further serious health problems. Because of Stephanies high blood pressure and other health risk issues, many over the counter weight loss programs were out of the question, Herbalife was the only program the doctors approved of. At 16 years and within a year, Stephanie gradually and consistently lost 100 pounds. Noticing significant results in the first month by feeling energetic, enthusiastic and determined that the program is working.
The program and information I can provide, introduces healthy eating and free personal consultation, free weekly backup and coaching from myself to help the person reach their ideal weight, and well-being. If anyone feels that they need to improve their lifestyle please don't hesitate to contact me.
If this article is also of particular interest to you from a business point of view aswell, then this can be an exciting opportunity to help get this very important message across and work together with many benefits and a fully supported system to get you off to a good start. Again please don't hesistate to call me.
Scott Barnes-Independent Herbalife Distributor
E-Mail :
Mobile: +447990665753

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